Chia seeds – 7 reasons why you should eat them!

Who knew that a tiny seed could be such a nutritional bomb? The chia trend has absolutely exploded this past year! For many it may be obvious, but there are probably still some out there who ask themselves the question “Why should I eat chia seeds?” – We give you 7 reasons why you should eat these thunder seeds as often as you can. 

1. Chia seeds are packed with omega-3

Chia seeds contain higher levels of the fatty acid omega-3 than any other natural food. Two teaspoons of chia seeds contain more omega-3 than a normal-sized salmon fillet.

2. Good source of vegetable protein

These thunder seeds contain 21 grams of protein per 100 grams and 18 of the 20 amino acids. That’s as much protein as in the same amount of beef. Good for your muscles!

3. High levels of calcium and vitamin C in chia seeds

Chia seeds can contribute to stronger bones as they contain five times more calcium than milk. They also contain seven times more vitamin C than oranges.

4. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants

And the benefits continue. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants which we know help the body fight free radicals.

5. They satiate and facilitate digestion

Chia seeds absorb up to twelve times their own weight, which contributes to an increased feeling of satiety. Close to 90 percent of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are made up of water-soluble fiber, which helps maintain a steady blood sugar level while facilitating and improving bowel function.

6. Gives energy and increases endurance

Many testify to the positive effects of chia seeds on the body’s endurance. If you have read the best-selling book “Born to run – the hunt for the soul of running”, you also know that the chia seed is said to be one of the reasons why the Tarahumara people of Mexico, who are considered the world’s best runners, can run so far – a little over 40 miles without pause!. A chia smoothie before the next training session perhaps?

7. Suitable for most things in cooking

As chia seeds hardly taste anything, the only thing that stops you is your imagination for everything you can do with them and how you want to flavor them – chia pudding, chia porridge, chia smoothie, chia bread, chia bread and much more! 

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